I’ve written a custom plugin in Groovy declaring the following tasks
Itemize lctr = project.tasks.create("listCompleteTestReport", Itemize, {
entryDirectory = project.file("${project.buildDir}/tests/binary")
dependsOn copyTestsTask
lctr.outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
TestReport ctr = project.tasks.create("completeTestReport", TestReport, {
setDestinationDir project.file("${project.buildDir}/reports/tests/complete")
setTestResultDirs lctr.outputs.files
dependsOn lctr
Itemize is a custom task listing files from entryDirectory and filtering them on a custom pattern.
On Gradle 6.1, the completeTestReport task works perfectly.
I migrate to Gradle 6.5.1 (last release allowed by my company), and now, this task is skipped as having no sources. Why ?
Shall I add something to be compliant with this new Gradle release ? I don’t find anything on documentation.