Hi, Gradle
I use macOS and Gradle 4.10, one of my war project uses TestNG and JUnit5 and has the standard java directories. When I run gradle test -i --rerun-tasks, I can see the test compile is good but test running is zero. I don’t know where did I miss and how can I see the details of test?
I think gradle can run either JUnit or TestNG tests, but not both of them in a single test task.
What we did was creating a second task for TestNG tests:
task testNg(type: Test) {
// Make the task show up in "verification" category, in "gradle tasks" output and in IDEA's gradle toolwindow
group = 'Verification'
description = 'Runs the TestNG tests'
check.dependsOn testNg
But I am not if this is really your problem, because neither sort of tests run for you (but maybe that is because using both useTestNG() and useJUnitPlatform in a single test task).
You can create another test task for JUnit, but you could also just configure the existing test task:
test {
useJUnitPlatform {
includeEngines 'junit-jupiter'
As for the test reports: We configure both test tasks with
reports.html.enabled = false
Then use this to generate a consolidated report:
task testReport(type: TestReport) {
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/reports/tests")
reportOn testNg, test
group = 'Verification'
description = 'Generates a consolidated test report for both JUnit and TestNG tests'
check.dependsOn testReport
(then you can remove the “check.dependsOn testNG”)
One last trick (hack?) that we did: We want to always execute both types of tests (continue with TestNG tests even if there were test failures with JUnit tests). This is our solution (don’t know if there’s a better way):
// We have both Spock (TestNG) and JUnit tests.
// gradle can run only one type of test per test task.
// We want both types of test to be run, even if tests of one type fail.
// So the two test tasks are configured to continue on test failure.
// To fail the build if any tests fail, this variable is updated via a test listener
def allTestsOk = true
def testListener = { TestDescriptor testDescriptor, TestResult testResult ->
allTestsOk &= (testResult.resultType != TestResult.ResultType.FAILURE)
// Explicitly fail the build if there were any test failures in JUnit or TestNG tests
check {
doLast {
if (!allTestsOk) {
throw new GradleException("""
There were test failures. See console output or test report at ${new File(testReportDir, 'index.html')}.
############################################################################ #######################################
Then add this to both test tasks:
// so that the other test task (JUNit vs. TestNG) still runs, if failures occur:
test.ignoreFailures true