I thought I understood how up-to-date checks happen for task, but I seem to have been wrong…
I have a plugin which will optionally trigger adding the java-library
plugin based on whether a certain block is used in my plugin’s DSL extension.
The project where my plugin is applied is not originally a java-library and has no sources of its own. My plugin “generates” sources and then links them into the project’s sourceSets.main.allJava.srcDir
My understanding is that linking the output from my generation into the projects main source-set’s java dirs would be enough. But simply doing that, the project’s compile task is always skipped with NO_SOURCE
Is it maybe a timing issue? My plugin applying java-library
still happens during config phase, so it should be good. I print out a few seemingly important information about the project, but everything points to the compile
should be triggered.
Copy dir `/home/sebersole/projects/playground/jakarta-transformer-plugin/build/tmp/testKit/testKit1691600008/shadowMulti/shadow/build/jakarta/transform/shadow/real/src/main/java` exists? : true
`sourceSet.main.allJava` -> /home/sebersole/projects/playground/jakarta-transformer-plugin/build/tmp/testKit/testKit1625958045/shadowMulti/shadow/src/main/java:/home/sebersole/projects/playground/jakarta-transformer-plugin/build/tmp/testKit/testKit1625958045/shadowMulti/shadow/build/jakarta/transform/shadow/real/src/main/java
`(:shadow:compileJava).input.hasSourceFiles` - true
- “Copy dir” is where the generated sources go. Relatively, this is
- The main source-set’s java dirs contains both the conventional dir (src/main/java) as well as this copy-dir. I tried setting the source-dirs to contain just the copy-dir thinking the empty
might be the problem. But I could not figure out how to completely replace the source-dirs or remove one - “has sources” comes from
What am I missing?