Strange problem with copy task

Using gradle 1.5. I have a multi project. Two of the projects build an ear file. A third project copies the two ear files and zips them together:

configurations {
  dependencies {
  myConf project(path: ':FirstEarProject:ear', configuration: 'earConf')
  myConf project(path: ':SecondEarProject:ear', configuration: 'earConf')
  task myCopy << {
  copy {
    from configurations.myConf
    into file("$buildDir/staging")
  task myZip(dependsOn: 'myCopy ', type: Zip){
  from "$buildDir/staging"

when I run : “gradle clean install myZip” a zip file is created but it only contains one of the ear files, the FirstEarProject.ear. The directory:


also only contains: FirstEarProject.ear. Why does it skip the SecondEarProject.ear file when copying?

I have tried to create a second configuration “myConfOther” and a second copy task and then it works:

configurations {
  dependencies {
  myConf project(path: ':FirstEarProject:ear', configuration: 'earConf')
  myConfOther project(path: ':SecondEarProject:ear', configuration: 'earConf')
  task myCopy << {
  copy {
    from configurations.myConf
    into file("$buildDir/staging")
  copy {
    from configurations.myConfOther
    into file("$buildDir/staging")
  task myZip(dependsOn: 'myCopy ', type: Zip){
  from "$buildDir/staging"

But it could be nice not having to create a conf for each file to copy.

The ‘myCopy’ task is missing a ‘dependsOn’. It’s much better to declare it as a task of type ‘Copy’:

task myCopy(type: Copy) {
    from configurations.myConf
    into "$buildDir/staging"

Among other things, this will give you task autowiring (no need to manually declare task dependencies) and up-to-date checking.

Unless you absolutely need a staging directory, pulling everything directly into the Zip is even better. You can still have an ‘explodedZip’ task, but the ‘myZip’ task shouldn’t depend on it.

I now have:

configurations {
dependencies {
  myConf project(path: ':FirstEarProject:ear', configuration: 'earConf')
  myConf project(path: ':SecondEarProject:ear', configuration: 'earConf')
  task myCopy(type: Copy) {
    from configurations.myConf
    into "$buildDir/staging"
    task myZip(dependsOn: 'myCopy ', type: Zip){
  from "$buildDir/staging"

but the staging dir/zip file still only contains:


I can’t spot any other problem with this build script (assuming ‘:SecondEarProject:ear’ is really the project path). Might be a problem with one of the other build scripts then. Without a way to reproduce it’s hard to say.

If I comment out FirstEarProject.ear :

configurations {
dependencies {
  //myConf project(path: ':FirstEarProject:ear', configuration: 'earConf')
  myConf project(path: ':SecondEarProject:ear', configuration: 'earConf')
task myCopy(type: Copy) {
    from configurations.myConf
    into "$buildDir/staging"
task myZip(dependsOn: 'myCopy ', type: Zip){
  from "$buildDir/staging"

the zipfile contains the SecondEarProject.ear. So it works when either one of the files are copied but not both. Strange.