In before “1.0-milestone-9” times I had a very simple “versions.gradle” file where I defined versions as:
scalaVersion = '2.9.1'
scalaTest = '1.6.1'
junitVersion = '4.+'
mockitoVersion = '1.9.0-rc1'
and referenced them as:
testCompile (
... ...
[ group: 'org.scalatest',
name: 'scalatest_2.9.1',
version: scalaTest ],
[ group: 'org.mockito',
name: 'mockito-all',
version: mockitoVersion ],
[ group: 'junit',
name: 'junit',
version: junitVersion ]
// libraries needed to run the scala tools
scalaTools (
[group: 'org.scala-lang',
name: 'scala-compiler',
version: scalaVersion ],
[group: 'org.scala-lang',
name: 'scala-library',
version: scalaVersion ]
Now with “1.0-milestone-9” we have this thing =>
Which is quite confusing, as it does not reveal the “whys”, but only specifies the “hows”, which are hard to connect to simple real world things such as “specify a version property for an artifact”.
=> 1. What is the current approach to do that? Should it be done as:
project.version.scala = "2.9.1"
and then used as “project.version.scala” in deps. Or should it be done in any other way?
=> 2. Is there a way to go back to a simple " ‘scalalVersion = 2.9.1’ => ‘version: scalaVersion’ " usage? If not, why?
=> 3. What is the (usage) purpose of introducing ExtraPropertiesExtension?
Thank you.