Some checkstyle rules don't work in gradle

I have multi module project. I’ve added checkstyle plugin to my project with configured rules.

The problem is that some rules don’t work for me (such as:,,

I’ve already created new topic for checkstyle support, but there we’ve found out that the problem must be related to gradle.

You can see full configuration and examples by this link:!topic/checkstyle/8JGCfpYLrV0

I can reproduce this problem with:
checkstyle plugin of latest version 6.17
gradle 2.12
java 8
multi module project with maven archetypes

It seems that checkstyle plugin doesn’t see resources

Do you have any ideas how to solve the problem?

Could you provide a simple project that expose the faulty behavior?

I reduced an example out of here:

The issue is that Gradle only checks Java sources by default (not resources).

I opened GRADLE-3432

You can add all of the sources (Java+resources) with

checkstyleMain {
   source sourceSets.main.allSource

But this won’t restrict it to only *.properties (it’ll check every file in src/main/resources, which is maybe not what you want).

new problem is that violations are showed twice in console (duplications)

for instance for LineLength check

Duplication violations are showed in console and report files

is it possible to fix?

You can try

checkstyleMain {
   source = sourceSets.main.allSource

This replaces the list of sources instead of appending to the list of sources to check (which already includes the Java sources).