I’m running into an issue with objects that are shared across multiple tasks.
A Plugin creates a TestListener that is used by a custom task and the test tasks in the project:
class ExamplePlugin implements org.gradle.api.Plugin<Project> {
public void apply(Project project) {
var testListener = new ExampleTestListener();
project.getTasks().register("exampleTask", ExampleTask.class, task -> {
project.getTasks().withType(Test.class, testTask -> {
keeps track of the tests that have been executed:
class ExampleTestListener implements TestListener {
List<TestDescriptor> tests = new ArrayList<>();
public void afterTest(TestDescriptor testDescriptor, TestResult testResult) {
System.err.println("[ExampleTestListener] Test task uses instance %s".formatted(this));
logs the data collected by ExampleTestListener
abstract class ExampleTask extends DefaultTask {
abstract Property<ExampleTestListener> getTestListener();
public ExampleTask() {
doLast(task -> {
getLogger().lifecycle("[ExampleTask] Referenced ExampleTestListener instance: %s".formatted(getTestListener().get()));
getLogger().lifecycle("[ExampleTask] Test count: %s".formatted(getTestListener().get().tests.size()));
Execution (Configuration Cache disabled)
./gradlew clean test --no-configuration-cache
> Task :test
[ExampleTestListener] Test task uses instance com.example.ExampleTestListener@60e6df11
FooTest > testSomething() PASSED
> Task :exampleTask
[ExampleTask] Referenced ExampleTestListener instance: com.example.ExampleTestListener@60e6df11
[ExampleTask] Test count: 1
Execution (Configuration Cache enabled)
./gradlew clean test --configuration-cache
Calculating task graph as no configuration cache is available for tasks: clean test
> Task :test
[ExampleTestListener] Test task uses instance com.example.ExampleTestListener@51c45d55
FooTest > testSomething() PASSED
> Task :exampleTask
[ExampleTask] Referenced ExampleTestListener instance: com.example.ExampleTestListener@1fcdb88
[ExampleTask] Test count: 0
With Configuration Cache enabled, the Test tasks and ExampleTask
reference different instances:
This causes ExampleTask
to read 0 tests being executed.
How can I ensure that ExampleTasks
sees the data written by the test tasks when Configuration Cache is enabled?
Thanks in advance!