Setting "External annotations" path in eclipse projects

Since release 4.5 Eclipse supports an “External annotation” path attribute on the build path’s library containers or individual jars (

Is there already a way to set this “External annotation” path attribute via the eclipse plugin in build.gradle (e.g. like it is possible for the “Access rule” attributes)?

I have checked the eclipse model API but did not find anything.

Ok, found a solution. The following block does the trick:

eclipse {
	classpath {
		downloadSources = true
		downloadJavadoc = true
		file {
			whenMerged {
				def eeaPath = project.findProperty("eclipse.eeaPath");
				entries.forEach {
					if(it.path.startsWith("org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER")) {
						if(eeaPath != null) {
							it.entryAttributes.put("annotationpath", eeaPath)
					} else if(it.path.contains("/caches/modules-2/")) {
						if(eeaPath != null) {
							it.entryAttributes.put("annotationpath", eeaPath)

Note that eclipse.eeaPath is an optional project property defining the actual location of eea file tree. If this property is not present no eea path is added.

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This modify the .classpath file for every user individually.

Also seems the property to accept only one value (jar or folder). Or is it possible to more as one path?