This is about a project where the code is written in Java, the test code is written in Scala ( ScalaTest with JUnitRunner ). Building is done with gradle (1.11), of course.
A sample project is at : https://github.com/sebastianharko/gradle-run-tests-in-parallel
I want to make the tests run in parallel.
I put this in my build.gradle file :
test {
forkEvery = 1
maxParallelForks = 3
There’s 3 tests , reading the explanation from the book “Gradle Effective Implementation Guide” , the code above should fork a jvm for each test, in parallel.
Typing “jps” ( jps - Java Virtual Machine Process Status Tool) at the command line should show 3 “GradleWorkerMain” . However, I only see one “GradleWorkerMain”.
Any way to do this ? Is there a working example / minimal project that I can look at ?
Cheers !