Running junit tests with gradle built classes dependent on signed jars

Did you hear that?

That was the uncomfortable silence, during which I realize how stupid I am. …

Well, maybe not quite so, just go into panic mode when I see unfamiliar exceptions, when i’m as busy as I am. Need to stop and think before I ask next time.

Of course you were right. I don’t know why that idea didn’t pop into my head. Of course, it wasn’t quite as simple as that (some classes couldn’t quite be sub-classed exactly how I needed them) but that was showing up a design flaw, which I have since fixed in the main app, and all will be good for future builds.

thank you for your help! sean

Yeah, I didn’t really think i’d uncovered a ‘gradle-related problem’, more that I hoped there was a way to do with gradle what I thought I needed to do.

One thing I figured was not possible, which I wondered if was possible in gradle (or java at all) … can you sign the class files being built in gradle? Or do you (as I thought) have to sign the end product (the jar) ? I had thought I was going to need to somehow sign the plugin classes so that they agree with the main app.

Anyway, my current problem is fixed, thanks to your (below) solution. Thanks!