Resolved dependencies not visible in eclipse buildpath

Hello, I have a situation with gradle dependencies resolution I don’t understand why the resolved jars is not visible in eclipse buildpath. Well here’s how I how I define them

configurations {
  repositories {
  flatDir {
    dirs 'local_lib'
    dirs 'libforsonar'
  maven{ url "" }
  maven{ url "" }
  //"jboss 3rd party"
  maven{ url ""}
  maven{ url ""}
  maven{ url ""}
  maven{ url ""}
  maven{ url ""}
  maven{ url "" }
  // to include locale jars
  dependencies {
//.. some jars

Also what does not make sens is that I can successfully compiling with gradle. Can anyone tell me what is wrong? Thank you for your answers

By default, only dependencies from standard configurations (‘compile’, ‘runtime’, ‘testCompile’, ‘testRuntime’) will be added to the Eclipse class path. For how to add dependencies from other configurations (e.g. ‘myproject’), see ‘EclipseClasspath’ in the Gradle Build Language Reference.