Hello, can anyone explain us how to replace tokens in a file or collections of files. I look for something equivalent to this code in ant:
<replace file="filename.properties" token="@@@mytoken@@@" value="newValue" />
Thank you
Hello, can anyone explain us how to replace tokens in a file or collections of files. I look for something equivalent to this code in ant:
<replace file="filename.properties" token="@@@mytoken@@@" value="newValue" />
Thank you
Hi Firas,
the example stated below can be found at http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/userguide_single.html#filterOnCopy
import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.FixCrLfFilter
import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens
task filter(type: Copy) {
from âsrc/main/webappâ
into âbuild/explodedWarâ
// Substitute property references in files
expand(copyright: â2009â, version: â2.3.1â)
// Use some of the filters provided by Ant
filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [copyright: â2009â, version: â2.3.1â])
// Use a closure to filter each line
filter { String line ->
For more explanation, see e.g. http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1234000001741/ch01.html#_keyword_expansion
Thank you Marian for your answer, I know how to replace tokens with the copy task, but what I would like to do is directly replace the tokens in a file without have to call the copy task.
Can you elaborate?
You can use ant tasks natively, so try to use this:
ant.replace(file: âindex.htmlâ, token: â@@@â, value: âwombatâ)
Other approach would be to call an external application - e.g. awk/sed - to do the job - see
http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/dsl/org.gradle.api.tasks.Exec.html for more information on exec task.
I know that also, is there a pure gradle fonctions to do that? If not I will take the ant task solution Thank you again Marian
OK, as far as I know there is no such dedicated functionality in Gradle (as ant is a first class citizen in it)
Anyway, can you still elaborate why do you need this?
Simply I just look to replace a token in file, without have to copy and rewrite it. Something like:
Never mind, I have just thought that this function exist. Thank you
Letâs say more gradle natural way would be still to use a copy task for it, and then just manipulate the transformed âtargetâ - at least it gives you the ability to skip the manipulation if the source hasnât changed⌠(you should even chain tasks this way - use the ouput of a task and get it as an input of another oneâŚ)
And that was also the reason we asked for context - just because a manipulation on a file doesnât seem to be a task for any build toolâŚ
I like the following way:
filter {
it.replace('${launch_urls}', launchUrls.join("<br>\n"))
.replace('${name}', project.ext.mName)
.replace('${version}', project.ext.mCurrentVersion)