Replace ${stringKey} before war task

I 've a multi-project gradle configuration. So I’ve got a build.gradle for each subproject and another one where I define general tasks.

Basicly, in the general build.gradle file I set out performing environtments, each one for production, pre-production, development, and so on purposes.

I set several containers defining a class:

class RemoteContainer {
    String name
    String container
    String hostname
    Integer port
    String username
    String password
    String purpose

So, I set the purpose of the container setting purpose field to 'production', 'pre-production' or 'development'.

Then, I’m able to create several containers:

def developmentRemoteContainers = [
    new RemoteContainer(
        name: 'wildfly8',
        container: 'wildfly8x',
        hostname: '----',
        port: ----,
        username: '----',
        password: '----'
        purpose: 'development'
    new RemoteContainer(
        name: 'glassfish4',
        container: 'glassfish4x',
        hostname: '----',
        port: ----,
        username: '----',
        password: '----'
        purpose: 'development'

def preproductionRemoteContainers = [
    new RemoteContainer(
        name: 'wildfly8',
        container: 'wildfly8x',
        hostname: '----',
        port: ----,
        username: '----',
        password: '----'
        purpose: 'pro-production'
    new RemoteContainer(
        name: 'glassfish4',
        container: 'glassfish4x',
        hostname: '----',
        port: ----,
        username: '----',
        password: '----'
        purpose: 'pre-production'

def productionUserRemoteContainers = [
    new RemoteContainer(
        name: 'wildfly8',
        container: 'wildfly8x',
        hostname: '---',
        port: ----,
        username: '----',
        password: '----'
        purpose: 'production'
    new RemoteContainer(
        name: 'glassfish4',
        container: 'glassfish4x',
        hostname: '----',
        port: ----,
        username: '----',
        password: '----'
        purpose: 'production'

After that, I create tasks according the content of each remote container:

Example tasks:

remoteContainers.each { config ->
    task "deployRemote${}"(type: com.bmuschko.gradle.cargo.tasks.remote.CargoDeployRemote) {
        description = "Deploys WAR to remote Web Application Server: '${}'."
        containerId = config.container
        hostname = config.hostname
        port = config.port
        username = config.username
        password = config.password
        dependsOn war

    task "undeployRemote${}"(type: com.bmuschko.gradle.cargo.tasks.remote.CargoUndeployRemote) {
        description = "Deploys WAR to remote Web Application Server: '${}'."
        containerId = config.container
        hostname = config.hostname
        port = config.port
        username = config.username
        password = config.password

So, it’s the way how I’m creating my deploy and undeploy tasks for each container and performing context.

As you’re able to figure out each task depends of the war task. So, my projects have a file containing a string like ${stringKey} which I need to replace it according of each container purpose.

So, ${stringKey} must be replaced by config.purpose.

I’ve absolutly no idea how to do that.
Any ideas?