I have code snippet
ant.path(id: ‘classpath’, location: ‘/opt/apps/jenkins/local-repo/sourceanalyzer.jar’)
ant.taskdef(name: ‘sca’, classname: ‘com.fortify.dev.ant.SourceanalyzerTask’, classpath: configurations.classpath.asPath)
ant.sca(buildid: buildid , jdk: “1.5”) {
fileset(dir: ‘src’) {
include(name: ‘**/. ’)
classpath(refid: ant.references.classpath)
I got the Error saying
Referece /opt/apps/jenkins/local-repo/sourceanalyzer.jar not found.
Please let me know what am I missing here.
The error is at line
classpath(refid: ant.references.classpath)
(Benjamin Muschko)
October 8, 2013, 6:57pm
Instead of declaring an Ant path I’d declare a custom configuration that you can assign the Ant task library to. You should also prefer to reference the Fortify dependency located on specific repository (e.g. Maven Central or a file location that is available to all developers as well as the CI server).
configurations {
dependencies {
fortify '...'
repositories {
ant.taskdef(name: 'sca', classname: 'com.fortify.dev.ant.SourceanalyzerTask', classpath: configurations.fortify.asPath)
Please make sure to use the code tabs in the future if you include source code. Otherwise, it’s really hard to read.
The ant Path I declared is not for defining task. my actual code as follows
configurations {
dependencies {
classpath fileTree(dir: '/opt/apps/jenkins/local-repo', include: 'sourceanalyzer.jar')
repositories {
flatDir(dirs: '/opt/apps/jenkins/local-repo')
task sc
doLast {
def buildid = project.name
ant.property(name: 'lib', location: '/opt/apps/JavaTools/Fortify/Core/lib/sourceanalyzer.jar')
ant.property(name:'sourceanalyzer.command', location: '/opt/apps/JavaTools/Fortify/bin/sourceanalyzer')
println ant.properties['lib']
ant.path(id: 'classpath', location: '/opt/apps/jenkins/local-repo/j2ee.jar')
ant.taskdef(name: 'sca', classname: 'com.fortify.dev.ant.SourceanalyzerTask', classpath: configurations.classpath.asPath)
println("build Dir ===="+buildDir)
ant.sca(clean: "true")
ant.sca(buildid: buildid , jdk: "1.5") {
fileset(dir: 'src') {
include(name: '**/*.*')
classpath(refid: ant.references.classpath)
ant.sca(buildid: buildid , jdk: "1.5" ,
scan: "true", findbugs: "true" , javaBuildDir: buildDir, resultsfile:"fortify_reports/issues.fpr", htmlReport: "true" )
} //sc
(Benjamin Muschko)
October 10, 2013, 3:59pm
Can you provide us with an example project preferably on GitHub that reproduces the issue? I think I’d need to play around with it.