Publish Multiple Packages with pom.xml and jar Files From Same Project

I’m currently migrating an Ant project over to Gradle and have been having a hard time publishing the necessary packages/artifacts over to GitLab.

For example, I have these two tasks to build the jars I need:

task buildClientJar(type: Jar) {

    manifest {
        attributes("Class-Path": "Project-Client.jar")
        attributes(common, "common")
    include(["com/project/path/client/**", "serviceBean.xml"])
    from configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
    with jar

task buildModelJar(type: Jar) {

    manifest {
        attributes("Class-Path": "Project-Model.jar")
        attributes(common, "common")
    from configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
    with jar

If I use the following :

publishing {
    publications {
        client(MavenPublication) {
           artifact buildClientJar
           artifactId "Project-Client"
           artifact buildModelJar
           artifactId "Project-Model"
    repositories {[GitLab implementation]}

I get the packages I want as well as the Jar files containing the correct information, but there are two issues:

  1. There is no module file that is created like when publishing using from
  2. The pom.xml that is published in those packages doesn’t contain any dependency information.

I’m sure the solution to both of these problems is similar, but I’m at a loss for how to create the pom.xml I need for these packages. Especially since some of the dependencies required for the model jar aren’t required for the client jar.

Finally, this whole project needs to be bundled into a .war file as well which is why I can’t separate each of these into their own projects or modules.