Provider task dependency inference works only for files?

Following up on , I tried to embrace the new feature of Property/Provider tracking their input tasks, but it only seems to work for files.

I extended the sample code from the issue to demonstrate the problem:

import javax.inject.Inject

open class Producer : DefaultTask() {
    val outputFile : RegularFileProperty = project.objects.fileProperty()

    fun run() {
        outputFile.get().asFile.writeText("Hello World")

open class Consumer : DefaultTask() {
    val ins : ConfigurableFileCollection = project.files()

    fun run() {
        ins.forEach {

open class SingleFileConsumer @Inject constructor (objects: ObjectFactory) : DefaultTask() {

    val ins: RegularFileProperty = objects.fileProperty()

    fun run() {

// I tried to see if there is any difference between injecting an ObjectFactory and using project.objects,
// but it doesn't seem to be the case
open class StringConsumer @Inject constructor (objects: ObjectFactory) : DefaultTask() {

    val ins : Property<String> =

    fun run() {


val first = tasks.register("first", Producer::class) {

// depends on Producer
task("second", Consumer::class) {
    ins.from({ it.outputFile }))

// doesnt depend on Producer
task("third", StringConsumer::class) {
    ins.set(first.flatMap({ it.outputFile }).map({ it.asFile.readText() }))

// depends on Producer
task("fourth", SingleFileConsumer::class) {
    ins.set({ it.outputFile.get() }))

(Note that this is a construed example, as StringConsumer could just as easily take the file as an input directly, but in my real use cases - a plugin to deploy docker containers - there are no files involved at all)

Is this intentional, or will this feature be added in a later release? Or am I using it wrong?

Thanks for your help!