Let’s say I have two projects, project(’:a’) and project(’:b’). In project(’:a’) there are two source sets main and extended, extended needs the classes from main, so I did something like
configurations {
extendedCompile.extendsFrom main
extended.extendsFrom extendedCompile
dependencies {
extendedCompile sourceSets.main.output
task extendedJar(type: Jar) {
baseName = 'extended'
from sourceSets.extended.output
artifacts {
extended extendedJar
Now I want to use all of these classes (aswell from main as from extended) in project(’:b’) so I configured this like
dependencies {
compile project(':a')
compile project(path: ':a', configuration: 'extended')
On project(’:b’) I’m using the application plugin and my problem is, when building the distZip, besides the main.jar and extended.jar the classes from sourceSet-main are also directly placed in the ‘lib’-folder, probably as extended got a dependency on ‘sourceSets.main.output’. Is there a way to just have the both jars in the zip?
Thanks in advance.