Programmatically add resource folder to test compile/runtime classpath

We have a master build script for 60+ components. The individual components do not have build.gradle files. What I’m trying to do is programmatically (in the master build.gradle) add a resource folder to certain projects. This resource folder contains a file which must be in the classpath when unit tests are ran. I’m trying to add this in the allprojects block like this:

allprojects { proj ->
 // this is the folder I need in the test task classpath
 def resdir = sprintf("%s\\resources", project(':Common').projectDir)
 test {
    java {
      srcDir 'test'
    resources {
      srcDirs = [resdir]
subprojects{ proj->
    if( == "APROJECT"){
      proj.tasks['test'].getClasspath().each { "COMPILE CLASSPATH: {}", it

However, if I query the classpath of the test task (see above) I do not see the folder in the classpath. Additionally, of course, the test is failing because the folder is not in the classpath.

If I put the sourceSet update in a build.gradle in the component folder, it works as expected.

Am I doing something wrong? How can I get this folder into the classpath for testing?

I think best approach would be to use the java project layout instead of configurating anything. Put the required files into src/test/resources and tests should find them.

But directly to your problem:
I think you must puit your project layout configuration into sourceSets:

allprojects { proj ->
     // this is the folder I need in the test task classpath
     def resdir = sprintf("%s\\resources", project(':Common').projectDir)
    sourceSets {
     test {
        java {
          srcDir 'test'
        resources {
          srcDirs = [resdir]
    subprojects{ proj->
        if( == "APROJECT"){
          proj.tasks['test'].getClasspath().each {

And I am not sure about configuring it in allprojects.
Is your rootproject a javaproject too?

Great, thanks for the suggestion. As it turns out, that’s exactly what I did, I just didn’t include the full context in my code snippet. Full context is:

subprojects{ proj ->
  proj.sourceSets {
    main {
      java {
        srcDirs = ['src']
      resources {
        srcDirs = ['resources']
    def resdir = sprintf("%s\\resources", project(':Common').projectDir)
    test {
      java {
        srcDir 'test'
      resources {
        srcDirs = ['test/testresources',resdir]

Unfortunately, the dev team has already built a kingdom around using resources from one particular global “testing component” so I can’t resolve this by putting the resources in the conventional folder. I did change from allprojects to subprojects as you suggested but the resource path is still not showing up.

I haven’t been able to get this to work by dynamically updating the source set. However, I was able to get it to work by adding the resource path to the testCompile dependency. Thanks, @tiedev for your help.

Update: It’s still not ideal since the “solution” only adds the class folder to the compile path, it doesn’t treat it as a resource (e.g., copy it to the runtime class folder).