Problem with proguard and gradle cache on Jenkins pipeline


On jenkins we use pipeline and stash gradle cache beetwen stages, on one project we have problem with proguard. He has warnings only when using gradle cache from another stage, when I build everything is ok, or when I remove gradle cache.

Proguard warnings:

Warning: there were 377 unresolved references to classes or interfaces.
Warning: there were 21 unresolved references to program class members.

Tested gradle versions: 4.7. 4.9

I tried:

  • –refresh-dependencies - don’t work
  • clean task - don’t work
  • remove .gradle/caches/transforms* katalog - works
  • remove .gradle/caches/transforms-1/files-1.1 - works
  • remove .gradle/caches/transforms-1/metadata-1.1 - works

How can I debug this problem, to find solution?

For now I gave posibility to remove .gradle cache from stage, and everything works ok.
