Polymorphic DomainObjectContainer New Object Configuration

With Gradle 7.2, I’ve been trying to create a custom plugin Extension with an ExtensiblePolymorphicDomainObjectContainer member to do most of the heavy lifting of my DSL, but cannot figure out how to trigger an action after the execution of the configuration closure for a named type object added to the container.

Take for example the following DSL:

myCustomExtension {
     "container" (SubType) { //configure this SubType object
         baseTypeProperty = "xyz" //override the default value of this property
         subTypeProperty = "xyz" //override the default value of this property
class MyCustomExtension {
   ExtensiblePolymorphicDomainObjectContainer container
   MyCustomExtension(final Project project){
      container = project.objects.polymorphicDomainObjectContainer(BaseType)
      container.registerFactory(SubType, { name ->
            return project.objects.newInstance(SubType, name)

class BaseType implements Named {
   final String name
   String baseTypeProperty
   BaseType(final String name){
      this.@name = name
      baseTypeProperty = "abc"

class SubType extends BaseType {
   String subTypeProperty
   SubType(final String name){
      subTypeProperty  = "abc"

If I execute the following action on the container for when new objects are added, it appears that the action is invoked by the container just after the object is created by the factory and added to the inner collection, but before configure it run on it. What I’m left with is the instantiated object in the Action callback w/o it being configured. How can I “listen” and defer further actions to when the BaseType object has been fully configured?

myExtension.container.all( (BaseType baseType) -> { 
     String propertyValue = baseType.baseTypeProperty
     //it's "abc" here, not the overriden value "xyz" as configured in the closure

For reference from AbstractPolymorphicDomainObjectContainer where configure is invoked after the object is added to the collection.

public <U extends T> U create(String name, Class<U> type, Action<? super U> configuration) {
        this.assertMutable("create(String, Class, Action)");
        U object = this.doCreate(name, type);
        if (configuration != null) {

        return object;