I am writing a plugin and I tested it using Test
class ShowDatePluginTest {
public void testShowPlugin(){
Project project = ProjectBuilder.builder().build()
project.pluginManager.apply 'show-date-plugin'
project.tasks.showDate.doLast {
This Above test it working properly , it indicate I have created a plugin. How can I distribute or test my distribution.
I tried to publish it to Jfrog and Gradle pluing . I am not sure what I am missing here are my step.
My Plugin published in Jfrog is having only jar and pom file and while applying it in any project it is unable to find it .
I tried publishing the same plugin in gradle plugin repo and it is awating approval . I am not sure it will work or not.
I am want to test a simple date plugin and then I will upload my orginal plugin .
Please help me with publishing the plugin properly.