ParallelizableTask is removed in gradle 4.0

thanks Stefan,

I played around with workerExecutor a little bit and I wonder if you could help me convert from @ParalleliableTask syntax to workerExecutor syntax

Originally I have something like this:

class CustomExec extends DefaultTask {
    public exec() {
       project.exec {
           commandLine cmdArgs

now with WorkerExecutor, how do I pass the project variable to the Runnable?

class CustomExec extends DefaultTask {
        public class CustomExecRunnable implements Runnable {
             public CustomExecRunnable(cmdArgs) {
                  this.cmdArgs = cmdArgs
        public void run() {
            // I tried to pass this project through workerExecutor.submit 
            // and it complains that project_decorated is not serializable
            project.exec {
    public exec() {
        workerExecutor.submit(CustomExecRunnable.class) {
            params = [cmdArgs] // project can't be passed to the thread through params

or maybe, I should word the question as is there any other way to pass the exec closure to the CustomExecRunnable? or should I implement my customExec in different way so it’s easier to work with workerExecutor?

much appreciated