I wanted to run task parallely but I’m not able to do so. I read multiple threads and it looks like it’s NOT supported by Gradle at least for single build project.
But I also found GPars and one Gradle hidden property -Dorg.gradle.parallel.intra=true. Tried both but it doesn’t work.
Approach 1:
group 'com.oracle.parallel’
version ‘1.0-SNAPSHOT’
Approach 2 Output:
8:31:58 PM: Executing external task ‘parallelTests’…
Test HACK 1
Test HACK 2
Test HACK 3
Test HACK 99
Test HACK 100
Test hack 1
Test hack 2
Test hack 3
Test hack 99
Test hack 100
Total time: 1 mins 49.709 secs
8:33:48 PM: External task execution finished 'parallelTests'.
Can somebody help to run these two tasks (testsA & testsB) parallely, If this is at all possible?
In the first example your issue is that the logic is running at configuration time (not parallelized) instead of execution time. You’ll need to put that logic in a task action (i.e. method annotation with @TaskAction). Be aware also that tasks with custom actions (i.e. doLast or doFirst) will never be run in parallel.
Custom actions
Any task that has custom actions (i.e. ones added via {@link org.gradle.api.Task#doLast(org.gradle.api.Action)} or {@link org.gradle.api.Task#doFirst(org.gradle.api.Action)})
is not considered parallelizable even if its type carries this annotation.
This is because it cannot be known whether the added action is parallel safe or not.
11:32:14 PM: Executing external tasks ‘testsA testsB --parallel -Dorg.gradle.parallel.intra=true’…
Parallel execution is an incubating feature.
Test HACK 1
Test HACK 2
Test HACK 3
Test HACK 99
Test HACK 100
Test hack 1
Test hack 2
Test hack 3
Test hack 99
Test hack 100
Total time: 1 mins 45.933 secs
11:34:00 PM: External tasks execution finished 'testsA testsB --parallel -Dorg.gradle.parallel.intra=true'.
10:59:29 AM: Executing external tasks ‘testsA testsB --parallel -Dorg.gradle.parallel.intra=true’…
Parallel execution is an incubating feature.
Test HACK 1
Test hack 1
Test HACK 2
Test hack 2
Test HACK 3
Test hack 3
Test HACK 99
Test hack 99
Test HACK 100
Test hack 100
Based on this discussion i assumed Gradle supports parallel build for single projects too and replicated the same in my project to reduce the build time.
The @ParallelizableTask annotation has been removed in Gradle 4.0. I suggest you use the Gradle Worker API if you want to leverage intra-project parallelization.
@mark_vieira, I correctly understand that Worker API allows to parallelize actions of a single task only? What if I want to run several units of work in parallel, but each unit of work has its own inputs and outputs, task dependencies and tasks depending on it? And requires its own up-to-date checking.
I see that with @ParallelizableTask I could just create several tasks. But is it feasible with Worker API?
I have to create subproject for each task right now.
This will work as you describe with the worker API. If I have two tasks which each schedule their own work items, those tasks can be run in parallel, even when belonging to the same project.
Hi @mark_vieira
I have two gradle tasks, taskA and taskB. Both tasks can be worked independently. The purpose of each task to to get a jar from mavenRepo and perform some operation using javaexec. However, i saw examples of worker api but it involves injecting worker executor and stuff. I dont want to do that. I have just two simple gradle tasks and i want to run them in parallel to reduce build time. How can i use worker api here ?
Any link/resources would help.
Unfortunately, the only way to get intra-project parallelism is use the worker api. There is a bit of boilerplate required to get going but it’s pretty simple.
Last I checked, the worker api is very limited since you don’t have access to the Project instance so can’t use files(…) fileTree(…) copy(…) and exec(…) etc
@Lance If so, then worker api is not very useful then. If we dont have project instance then how are we suppose to do any operations related to project? one of the task i have is to download a JAR form maven repo and use javaexec. if i cannot use copy, exec() how can i leverage WorkerAPI in this case? @mark_vieira can you help answer this ?
If we dont have project instance then how are we suppose to do any operations related to project?
You can pass read only information from the main thread to the worker thread via WorkerConfiguration.setParams(Object...) and @Inject on the worker class. Keep in mind that workers are running on a separate jvm to the main thread so I think params need to be serializable (so you can’t pass the project instance)
if i cannot use copy, exec() how can i leverage WorkerAPI in this case?
It’s my opinion that Gradle needs to make file operations, javaexec etc available to workers somehow without actually sharing the mutable project with workers. Until then workers only have access to core java APIs so they are only useful in limited scenarios
@parallelizableTask was more useful it seems as i can directly use it over my tasks written in build.gradle where i have the instance for project.This enabled parallelizing task of single project. After Gradle 4.0 or later this was deprecated but introduced worker api doesn’t have this support when project object is required.
Agree with alphaguy4. Have several differing long running tasks in a project that could all run in parallel, however worker API does not support this… The @parallelizableTask seemed ideal.,if apache ant can do this with the parallel task then surely gradle should.