Hi all,
We are getting continuously JAVA heap size error while publishing artifact zip around 329 MB to Nexus.
We tried couple of option like passing JVM or Gradle OPS settings with below combination but still getting JAVA heap size errors.
It was working fine when artifacts zip size was less than 300 MB.
We could not able to determine exact root cause or solution for this JAVA heap size error.
I have also browsed existing reported issues on similar topic but could find workable solution.
Can you please let us know your inputs on this?
Please feel free to ask if you need any more information on this.
Thanks in advance!
@sachingharge, a couple of questions
- What java version?
- What operating system?
- How are you publishing (Maven or Ivy) and which gradle publishing plugin are you using?
- What is the artifact in question - a jar/war/ear/something else?
- Is it happening when publishing as both a SNAPSHOT and non-SNAPSHOT?
Please find below requested information:
- What java version: java version “1.8.0_51”
- What operating system: CentOS release 6.7 (Final)
- How are you publishing (Maven or Ivy) and which gradle publishing plugin are you using? Maven using Gradle MavenPublication
- What is the artifact in question - a jar/war/ear/something else: Jar files with zip package.
- Is it happening when publishing as both a SNAPSHOT and non-SNAPSHOT: SNAPSHOT version of it.
- Maven version: Apache Maven 3.3.3
We are building source code and pushing through Jenkins job.
Please let me know if you need any more information on this.
@sachingharge what version of Gradle are you using?
Also, which of the publishing plugins are you using, apply plugin: "maven-publish"
or apply plugin: "maven"
and can you share your gradle publishing configuration?
I have been unable to reproduce this locally.
I could successfully publish a 1GB zip file to a local repository, over http with gradle 2.4 and 2.6 and java 1.8.