I’m trying to do something similar to Gradle User Guide at 53.6. Maintaining multiple domain objects. The difference is that I have a NamedDomainObjectContainer, that has another collection of objects. For example, here is a short DSL:
And so my root class Author has a collection of Books, where the names quickStart, userGuide, developerGuide, and greatMysteryNovel all belong to a collection of Books belonging to an Author of either gradle, or sean_gillespie. Check out my domain objects @ line 46.
I think that makes sense, but I can’t figure out how to hook this up. The plugin apply, obviously not complete, is @ line 32. And I can’t figure out which steps I’m missing.
In any case, when I try what I have I’m getting:
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'dsl-test'.
> No signature of method: Author.quickStart() is applicable for argument types: (build_3socqihdnscdldni40777kinko$_run_closure1_closure3_closure5) values: [build_3socqihdnscdldni40777kinko$_run_closure1_closure3_closure5@584ba778]
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Sorry to resurrect this, but your first answer seems to suggest that it is possible to nest NamedDomainObjectContainers. However, when I try the sample code from the gist, I still get errors.
I think at least the apply method is incorrect, because it does not set the “books” container on an “author” instance:
void apply(Project project) {
def authors = project.container(Author)
authors.all { author ->
books = project.container(Book) // This doesn’t quite work
books.all { book ->
book.sourceFile = project.file(“src/docs/$name”)
project.extensions.authors = authors
I don’t see how this should be written though. How do you make sure the “books” container gets created for every “author” instance?
C:\dev\projects\devops\gradle>gradle tasks
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file 'C:\dev\projects\devops\gradle\build.gradle' line: 4
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'gradle'.
> Could not find method books() for arguments [build_7iqkhufc8mbvchv2coa8kkvjrb$_run_closure1_closure3@fae3852] on build
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
I suppose there should be something that configures “books” from a closure, and that “books” should be set on an “author”. The “books” task also looks wrong. So I tried this:
apply plugin: DocumentationPlugin
authors {
gradle.books {
quickStart {
sourceFile = file('src/docs/quick-start')
userGuide {
developerGuide {
sean_gillespie.books {
greatMysteryNovel {
task books << {
authors.each { author ->
author.books.each { book ->
// --> author.books.each instead of author.each
println "$book.name -> $book.sourceFile"
class DocumentationPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
def authors = project.container(Author)
authors.all { author ->
author.books = project.container(Book)
// ---> set books on author
books.all { book ->
book.sourceFile = project.file("src/docs/$name")
project.extensions.authors = authors
class Book {
final String name
File sourceFile
Book(String name) {
this.name = name
class Author {
final String name
NamedDomainObjectContainer<Book> books
Author(String name) {
this.name = name
void books(Closure closure) {
// ---> configure books from a closure
But that gives me the same output as before. I use gradle 1.8.