Need Help using Worker API

I am trying to use the worker API to speed up some tasks I am currently running sequentially. To get used to the Worker API I figured I’d just try to do something simple. Here is what I have so far:

import org.gradle.workers.WorkerExecutor
import org.gradle.workers.WorkerConfiguration

import javax.inject.Inject

// The implementation of a single unit of work
class PrintStuff implements Runnable {
    String toPrint

    public PrintStuff(String fileToReverse) {
        this.toPrint = toPrint

    public void run() {
        println toPrint

class PrintAll extends SourceTask {
    final WorkerExecutor workerExecutor
    String[] propertyValues;

    File outputDir

    // The WorkerExecutor will be injected by Gradle at runtime
    public PrintAll(WorkerExecutor workerExecutor) {
        this.workerExecutor = workerExecutor

    void printAll() {
        // Create and submit a unit of work for each file
        propertyValues.each { value ->
            workerExecutor.submit(PrintStuff.class) { WorkerConfiguration config ->
                // Use the minimum level of isolation
                config.isolationMode = IsolationMode.NONE

                // Constructor parameters for the unit of work implementation
                config.params value

With this task:

task printHope(type: PrintAll) {
    propertyValues = ['value1','value2']

But nothing prints out and the build takes 0 seconds. What am I missing?

PrintAll is a SourceTask which means it needs to have source files, otherwise it skips execution.

Try extending DefaultTask instead.

That did it! I found a few bugs I was missing as well, and now its mostly working. I just have one question. Here is my updated code:

import javax.inject.Inject
import org.gradle.workers.WorkerExecutor
import org.gradle.workers.WorkerConfiguration

// The implementation of a single unit of work
class PrintStuff implements Runnable {
    String toPrint

    public PrintStuff(String toPrint) {
        this.toPrint = toPrint

    public void run() {
        println toPrint

class PrintAll extends DefaultTask {
    final WorkerExecutor workerExecutor
    String[] propertyValues;

    // The WorkerExecutor will be injected by Gradle at runtime
    public PrintAll(WorkerExecutor workerExecutor) {
        this.workerExecutor = workerExecutor

    void printAll() {
        // Create and submit a unit of work for each file
        propertyValues.each { value ->
            workerExecutor.submit(PrintStuff.class) { WorkerConfiguration config ->
                // Use the minimum level of isolation
                config.isolationMode = IsolationMode.NONE

                // Constructor parameters for the unit of work implementation
                config.params value

task printHope(type: PrintAll) {
    propertyValues = ['value1','value2']

I thought this would print out the values, and then wait 5 seconds. What it is actually doing is waiting 5 seconds, then printing the values. Is this the expected behavior even though I have the print before the sleep? This doesn’t effect what I’m doing since this was just a proof of concept before I actually implemented it, but I would like to know if it’s something I can control or not.

I think this is buffering that’s happening at the task level for the rich console. I’m not sure there’s a way to disable that.

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That’s fine, I was just curious.