[Native CPP]: How I can to exclude all tests from build

Hi to all,

I have a build script with mixed Java and C++ components:

plugins {
    id 'cpp'
    id 'idea'
    id 'java-library'
    id 'maven-publish'
    id 'visual-studio'
    id 'google-test-test-suite'


model {

buildTypes {

platforms {
    windows_x86_64 {
        architecture "x86_64"
        operatingSystem "windows"
    windows_x86 {
        architecture "x86"
        operatingSystem "windows"

components {
    'jvm-native'(NativeLibrarySpec) {
        targetPlatform "windows_x86"
        targetPlatform "windows_x86_64"

        sources {
            cpp {
                exportedHeaders {
                    srcDirs "src/main/headers"
                    include "**/*.h", "**/*.hpp"
                source {
                    srcDir "src/main/cpp"
                    include "**/*.cpp"

                lib library: 'boost_log', linkage: 'static'
                lib library: 'boost_filesystem', linkage: 'static'
                lib library: 'boost_date_time', linkage: 'static'
                lib library: 'boost_log_setup', linkage: 'static'
                lib library: 'boost_thread', linkage: 'static'
                lib library: 'boost_chrono', linkage: 'static'
                lib library: 'boost_exception', linkage: 'static'
                lib library: 'boost_atomic', linkage: 'static'

                preCompiledHeader "pch.h"
        binaries {
            all {
                cppCompiler.args "/EHsc"
        /* Disabilita (per ora) la build delle librerie [*.lib] */
        binaries.withType(StaticLibraryBinarySpec) {
            buildable = false

testSuites {
    'jvm-nativeTest'(GoogleTestTestSuiteSpec) {
        testing $.components.'jvm-native'

        sources {
            cpp {
                exportedHeaders {
                    srcDirs "src/test/headers"
                    include "**/*.h", "**/*.hpp"
                source.srcDir 'src/test/cpp'

                lib library: "googleTest", linkage: "static"
                lib library: "googleTestMain", linkage: "static"
        binaries {
            all {
                cppCompiler.args "/EHsc"

binaries {
    withType( GoogleTestTestSuiteBinarySpec ) {
        lib library: "googleTest", linkage: "static"

toolChains {
    visualCpp(VisualCpp) {
        eachPlatform { p ->
            if ( p.platform.operatingSystem.windows ) {
                cppCompiler.withArguments { args ->
                    args << "/I${Jvm.current().javaHome}/include"
                    args << "/I${Jvm.current().javaHome}/include/win32"

How I can to exclude all test tasks? Build and run, I have tried with -x test, but doesn’t works.
