I have two questions.
First in the modle for the cpp plugin. How do I disable the ${component.name} SharedLibrary and stop if from showing up in gradle task list.
tasks.whenTaskAdded {task ->
if(task.name.contains("embeddedSharedLibrary")) {
task.enabled = false
Works, however, I still get it in the task list, and it create a shared object in the build directory.
Second Question, I can use the following with cpp-library plugin to link between two subprojects.
dependencies {
implementation project(':ErrorReporter')
In the Building native software section under model it has the following:
model {
components {
main(NativeExecutableSpec) {
sources {
c.lib library: "hello"
When I try that with my project as follows.
sources {
cpp {
source {
lib library: ':ErrorReporter', linkage: 'static'
srcDir "src/main/cpp"
include "**/*.cpp"
exportedHeaders {
srcDir "src/main/public"
I get
> Could not locate library ':ErrorReporter' required by 'embedded' in project ':BatteryUARTMsg'.
How do I create those dependencies?