Today I’m seeing a new error running the “javadoc” task (or even “gradle tasks”), even after removing the one line that I thought I changed since I successfully ran this yesterday.
When I run “gradle tasks” from the root of the project, I get this:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file '...\git\oce_usl\usl-parent\build.gradle' line: 72
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'usl-parent'.
> Could not find method top() for arguments [Unified Service Layer - top] on task ':jacoco-aggregate:javadoc' of type org.gradle.api.tasks.javadoc.Javadoc.
Here is the “javadoc” block from my top-level build.gradle, inside a “subprojects” block:
javadoc {
top "Unified Service Layer - top"
bottom "Unified Service Layer - bottom"
windowtitle "Unified Service Layer - windowtitle"
doctitle "Unified Service Layer - title"
footer "Unified Service Layer - footer"
header "Unified Service Layer - header"
level "public"
packagesheader "Unified Service Layer - packagesheader"
taglets "com.att.det.taglet.ValidationConstraintsTaglet", "com.att.det.taglet.ValidationConstraintsCombinedTaglet"
I looked back in my Emacs shell buffer, and I see that I successfully ran this yesterday. The only thing that I tried to add was the “options.addStringOption()” call, but even after I removed that line and tested again, I get the same error.