Hello, I am trying to merge multiple files from different directories into one target location (excluding duplicates… the first one copied should win). I’ve noticed that if you include a closure within your from method, the order of from statements may execute randomly.
The following is a code example. When I run the ‘debug’ task, I would expect all the outputs to have the file from folder a. Curiously though… out2 has the file from folder b. So it appears within out2, folder b is copied before folder a (even though a is specified first).
FYI… I am using gradle version 2.10
out1: I am file a!
out2: I am file b!
out3: I am file a!
out4: I am file a!
task init << {
def file1 = file('a/test.txt')
file1.text = "I am file a!"
def file2 = file('b/test.txt')
file2.text = "I am file b!"
task run(dependsOn: 'init') << {
copy {
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
into 'out1'
copy {
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
from('a') {
include "test.txt"
into 'out2'
copy {
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
from('b') {
include "test.txt"
into 'out3'
copy {
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
from('a') {
include "test.txt"
from('b') {
include "test.txt"
into 'out4'
task debug(dependsOn: 'run') << {
println "out1: " + file('out1/test.txt').text
println "out2: " + file('out2/test.txt').text
println "out3: " + file('out3/test.txt').text
println "out4: " + file('out4/test.txt').text