I have a flat-multi-project structure like below: A --build.gradle B --build.gradle
A task taskA in project A when called has to do something like this.
//do something -- usually set a global parameter
//call projectB.taskB to execute
dependsOn fails because: 1. taskA(dependsOn : ‘:projectB:taskB’) – this fails because taskB requires value set by taskA at line1 to execute 2. taskB(dependsOn : ‘:projectA:taskA’) – this is of no use because taskA is my main (visible) task and this does not assures “taskB must run after taskA”
I tried mustRunAfter() but i think it has been deprecated.
It looks simple but I cannot figure out the workaround. Can you please help me out here.
FYI: I am moving from ant to gradle build and this particular logic is related to antcallback functionality
<antcallback antfile="${custom.dir}/pabuild/extension.xml" target="isActionRequired" return="requireAction">
<param name="currentTask" value="deploy"/>
Thanks. Nish.