I’m working on migrating a multi-module Maven build (100+ modules) where some of the modules just contain integration tests executed via JUnit. These test modules have dependencies on multiple modules, often transitively. The tests use Spring so need a config directory, from each of the modules on which it depends, to be on the classpath when tests are executed. How can I go about achieving that?
I am able to add the config directory for modules I know will be depended upon:
root build.gradle (module build.gradle files just contain compile and runtime dependencies)
subprojects {
configurations {
testCompile.extendsFrom runtime
configurations {
bootstrapConfig {
description = 'Bootstrap config required by all runnable processes'
dependencies {
bootstrapConfig files("$rootDir/bootstrap/src/main/config")
sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath += configurations.bootstrapConfig
My question is how do I get the /src/main/config directory for each module on which there is a dependency (including transitive dependencies) on to the test classpath?
I tried writing a method that would iterate resolved dependencies to build the classpath but hit problems with messages like this:
Changed dependencies of configuration ‘actionservice:compile’ after it has been included in dependency resolution. This behaviour has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 3.0.
Changed dependencies of parent of configuration ‘actionservice:runtime’ after it has been resolved. This behaviour has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 3.0
subprojects {
def buildTestClasspath = { proj ->
def FileCollection classpath = files("$rootDir/bootstrap/src/test/config")
proj.configurations.runtime.resolvedConfiguration*.resolvedArtifacts.each {
// blah, blah blah
sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath += configurations.buildTestClasspath(project)
All help appreciated!