ModuleVersionNotFoundException for maven dependencies in local repository

What can cause a org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.ivyservice.ModuleVersionNotFoundException for maven dependencies installed (manually) in local repository?

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
  * What went wrong:
Could not find group:com, module:lastfmbindings, version:160-SVN.
Required by:
  * Try:
Run with --debug option to get more log output.
  * Exception is:
org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.ivyservice.ModuleVersionNotFoundException: Could not find group:com, module:lastfmbindings, version:160-SVN.
Required by:
        at org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.ivyservice.ivyresolve.IvyResolverBackedDependencyToModuleResolver$DefaultModuleVersionResolver.notFound(IvyResolverBackedDependencyToMo

In master build.gradle I have defined:

   group = 'fairPlayer'
 version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
   configurations.compile.transitive = true
  subprojects {
 sourceCompatibility = 1.5
 targetCompatibility = 1.5
   repositories {

and in one of submodules:

dependencies {
 compile group: 'fairPlayer.includes', name: 'lastfm-bindings', version: '160-SVN'

and I have “lastfm-bindings-160-SVN.jar” and “lastfm-bindings-160-SVN.pom” in ~.m2\repository\fairplayer\includes\lastfm-bindings\160-SVN\

I’m using 1.0-milestone7

Whats wrong?

both groupId and dir should be named “fairplayer” instead of “fairPlayer”. Gradle seems to dump groupId to lowercase and then search for artifact

Are you saying that your problem is solved?

PS: Please don’t double-post here and on Stack Overflow.


Gradle does a case sensitive match on the groupId and the directory name, so they have to match. So, if your dependency is declared as ‘group: ‘fairPlayer.includes’’, it will look for a directory called ‘fairPlayer/includes’.

It doesn’t convert the groupId to lowercase.