Modify Context Root

I’m building an ear with an external dependency on a war. The build works and I can deploy the ear to my WebSphere server and have it work, but the war is at the wrong context. How do I modify the generated web-module’s context-root?

What I have:

ear {
  baseName = 'myProjectEAR'

  deploymentDescriptor {

dependencies {
  deploy group: "com.myCompany", name: "myProject", version: "0.1.3-SNAPSHOT", changing: true


This results in the following application.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<application xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="6">

Not the desired outcome. How do I change the context-root on the second module? I’m sure it’s something simple like correctly specifying the dependency or artifact in ear.deploymentDescriptor.webModule, but I cannot figure out how to do that.

 ear {
      baseName = 'multi-module-project'

     deploymentDescriptor {
         webModule("admin-" + project(":admin").getVersion() + ".war", "/admin")

This works for the module where version name applied. cheers !!

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