The goal is to write libraries that make use of the JPMS module system and implementation is with a mix of Kotlin and/or Java.
I am using Gradle 8.6 and JDK 21. The example project was created with “gradlew init” as a library.
The attached example project works (start “”, which calls Kotlin code).
But JPMS seems to get in the way. As soon as is added (rename module-info.XXXjava to, the Java code cannot access the Kotlin code anymore.
> Task :lib:compileJava FAILED
C:\Users\taakabe4\IdeaProjects\kotlinjava\lib\src\main\java\org\example\ error: cannot find symbol
var lib = new Library();
Is there a (reasonable) way to solve this or is it simply not supported? (104.6 KB)
Thanks a lot! Works perfectly for the provided example project.
Unfortunately with the “real world project” I get the error below.
While the real project is still Gradle 8.6, I am forced to use JDK 11 and old Kotlin 1.6.21.
The project structure is the same (generated with "gradlew init” as a library), but it has a buildSrc and uses various plugins, for example maven-publish and extra-java-module-info. The error might imply that it.kotlin.classesDirectory is empty, but I am not sure about this and cannot see a reason why. The o
Any suggestions in what direction to look for a solution?
* What went wrong:
A problem was found with the configuration of task ':lib:compileJava' (type 'JavaCompile').
- Type 'org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.JavaCompile' property 'options.compilerArgumentProviders.$0.kotlinClasses' doesn't have a configured value.
Reason: This property isn't marked as optional and no value has been configured.
Possible solutions:
1. The value of 'options.compilerArgumentProviders.$0.kotlinClasses' is calculated, make sure a valid value can be calculated.
2. Mark property 'options.compilerArgumentProviders.$0.kotlinClasses' as optional.
I was about to give up on my plans to establish a clean modular structure for our future library projects. A dull and mediocre life was starting to unfold in front of me.
But your second version also solved it for the legacy Kotlin version I am stuck with!
May God bless you and your knowledge that easily leaves GPT-4 in the dust.