I have a legacy project that I’m trying to gradle-ize. Our source directory has test files interspersed throughout. The structure is something like:
com.foo.a.SomeClass com.foo.a.SomeClassTest com.foo.b.SomeOtherClass com.foo.b.SomeOtherClassTest
How do I specify a Java source set to compile only the “main” com.foo.a package?
I tried:
main {
java {
include "com/foo/a/**/*.java"
exclude "**/*Test.java"
but it appears that includes and excludes are mutually exclusive. (This isn’t explicitly stated at http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/javadoc/org/gradle/api/tasks/util/PatternFilterable.html, but it is implied…)
Do I have to result to using an include closure instead ? What would this look like?