MavenPublication fails when moving publishing config from build script to plugin

I want to move some logic from build script to a plugin but I mess up in the process and publishing stops working. As a starting point, my working build script looks like this:

plugins {
    id 'maven-publish'

group = ''
version = '1.0.0'

def appBuildDir = "${->project.buildDir}/app"
def distDir = "${project.projectDir}/dist"

configurations {

task buildApp(type: Copy) {
    doFirst {

    from file('src/app')
    into appBuildDir

task assemble(type: Zip) {

	baseName =
 	destinationDir = file(distDir)

    doFirst {

	from appBuildDir


artifacts {
	production assemble

publishing {
	publications {
		app(MavenPublication) {
			artifact assemble

This script is capable of pushing the built zip file to mavenLocal.

Now, I can more or less cut-and-paste the build logic into the apply method of my plugin:

public void apply(Project project) {
	def appBuildDir = "${->project.buildDir}/app"
	def distDir = "${project.projectDir}/dist"

	def buildAppTask = project.tasks.create('buildApp', Copy) {

		doFirst { 

		from project.file('src/app')
		into appBuildDir

	def assembleTask = project.tasks.create('assemble', Zip) {

		baseName =
		destinationDir = project.file(distDir)
		doFirst {

		from appBuildDir

	project.artifacts {
		production assembleTask

	project.publishing {
		publications {
			app(MavenPublication) {
				artifact assembleTask

And the build script reduces to:

plugins {
	id 'myPlug' version '1.0.0'

group = ''
version = '1.0.0'

Now, for some reason, the publishing configuration has broken down and I get a configuration-time exception telling me this:

C:\projects\foo>gradle publishToMavenLocal

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ':modules:fooModule'.
> Exception thrown while executing model rule: PublishingPlugin.Rules#publishing(ExtensionContainer)
   > Cannot create a Publication named 'MavenPublication' because this container does not support creating elements by name alone. Please specify which subtype of Publication to create. Known subtypes are: MavenPublication

I can not decipher that message into anything meaningful. Does anyone understand what could be happening here? If I disable the publishing block, the other aspects of the plugin work fine.

I recall possibly seeing this as well and I think it was because I missed adding an import for the org.gradle.api.publish.maven.MavenPublication interface. Do you have an import for it in the plugin source file?

OMG, of course! This was the case, and the errror message even makes perfect sense now.

In the light of this, I am convinced I should move my plugins suite to Java, where I can employ an IDE to watch my back for embarrassing things like missing imports.

Thanks a bunch for taking the time to reply Chris!
Please enjoy this complementary wild boar: :boar:

I use Groovy for plugins and IntelliJ seems to work fine. If you’re an Eclipse user, have you tried the Buildship plugin?