We have a multi-module project - around 300+ modules using gradle 8.0.2 & Java 17
We have a directory structure such as:
The 4 directories named client,server contains a build.gradle, as does the top level /
Only these directories feature in settings.gradle with a project definition
Currently the maven publish configuration is in the subProjects section of the top level build.gradle, and we have another specific configuration in the bom (as it’s a bit different)
When we publish (ie publishToMavenLocal) I notice I am getting a maven artifact for the interstitial directories, ie ‘area1’, or ‘area2’ or ‘area2.subarea1’, We don’t want these - the directory structure is purely for our own needs
We did have exactly this with maven, but I had hoped this wouldn’t be the case with gradle
Where did I go wrong?