
buildscript {

repositories {



dependencies {

classpath ‘nl.javadude.gradle.plugins:license-gradle-plugin:0.6.0’


} allprojects {

apply plugin: ‘license’ }

license {

header rootProject.file(“LICENSE”)

mapping {



} }

I have used above script in my build.gradle,I am unable to check headers in sourceset ,to write header in all missing (groovy,java) files.Please any one suggest me.I Will thanks a lot…

You might need to address your question to the author of the ‘license’ plugin, unless somebody here in the forum has experience using it.

It’d be easier to read your code if it was properly formatted with code tags. It looks like you’re not putting the license block in allprojects. Though it should without that.

I use this:, and it works just fine. The mapping for javascript and groovy are extraneous since they’re also covered by the plugin.

Do you see anything of interest when running with --info?

I have buid.gradle as like buildscript {

repositories {



dependencies {

classpath ‘nl.javadude.gradle.plugins:license-gradle-plugin:0.6.0’

} }

apply plugin: ‘license’

license {

header rootProject.file(‘codequality/HEADER’)

ext.year = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) } but when i Run gradle build not updating headers in src/main/groovy files. Can you give me the build.gradle script to add headers in src/main/groovy files.

and when i run gradle licenseFormatMain getting error

FAILURE: Could not determine which tasks to execute.

  • What went wrong: Task ‘licenseFormatMain’ not found in root project ’

Thanks All, Raju