I have a java SpringBoot project, that I build using ‘gradle build’ - which create the full executable jar with the default project name.
I also defined a customized jar task - to include only models from that project:
task clientJar(type: Jar, overwrite: true) {
from sourceSets.main.output
baseName = ‘models-only’
include ‘**/model/**’
when I run ‘gradle clientJar’ - the new jar is also generated sucesfully as ‘models-only-[version data].jar’
now, when I run ‘gradle uploadArchives’ the local maven .m2 repository is being created and into it are uploaded the custom clientJar AND a normal (non executable) jar containing all classes, with the defautlt name of the project.
- I belive that the default jar is created due to the ‘plugin java’ line - which is ok. (if I rename my clientJar to the default project name - only the full jar is created).
anyway - THE PROBLEM is:
in a second project I need to use the clientJar as a dependancy, but when I specify it by name I get an error:
‘Could not find com.t2k.playanywhere:models_only:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT’
but if I change the dependency to use the default jar - it manage to download the jar properly from the local repository.
to clarify: at both attempt - the local maven repo contains the 2 jars, but only the default one is apparently found.
I’d appreciate any suggestions.
I just found that the problem was due to the customized client jar is being stored in the same folder (at the local repo) as the default jar.
when I create it manually at a folder with the smae name as the client jar - the build dependency is found!
so I guess now the question is how to I fix my clientJar task code to be stored in it’s own folder?