Jar files are NOT included under WEB-INF\lib by war task


I migrated a multi-module Spring Boot project, built using Maven to Gradle 6.4.1
But the output is strange.

Project consists of a web-project in which I have the ‘war’ plugin and the WAR task to (only to specify the .war file name)

war {
archiveName “${projectName}.war”

The other modules of the project are for respective tiers
(1)client facing rest-end-points,
(2) business and
(3) common.

With gradle I am not able to get standard libraries like log4j, commons-io, lang, gson, reast-easy-client etc bundled into the WAR (under WEB-INF\lib)

With Gradle these expected jars are NOT bundled into the WAR as opposed to a Maven.

They however could be located them insie a zip, under \build\distributions.


Do I need to have a more explicit WAR task?

thank you

The war task doesn’t need to do anything explicitly with the libraries, but your other modules do need to be dependencies of the project building the WAR file.

Thank you.
After fixing the build.gradle files in other sub-projects, carefully - taking care to avoid circular dependency - I could get a bigger generated .war.

But really big.

The WEB-INF\lib folder
now includes probably transitive dependencies like - aether-api-1.0.0.v20140518.jar,
and many aether*.jar, apiguardian-api-1.0.0.jar, arquillian-config-api-1.4.0.Final.jar, many arquillian*.jar

Could this be caused by the
dependencies {
instead of

ALSO versions of these transitive dependencies differ between maven-built war and gradle-built war.
classmate-1.0.0.jar (in maven) and classmate-1.1.0.jar (in gradle)
commons-codec-1.10.jar (in maven) and commons-codec-1.11.jar (in gradle)
commons-io-2.1.jar (in maven) and commons-io-2.2.jar (in gradle)
and so on for
commons-lang3, hibernate-validator, httpcore, httpclient, jackson**

thank you.

It looks like you’re including everything in your implementation, compile or runtimeOnly configurations. I presume arquillian is a test dependency, in which case it should be in a testImplementation or testRuntimeOnly configuration. I’m sure your Maven setup is similar.

S Bufton, Thank you. I did required corrections and the size reduced.

However, I am also looking for why

versions of these transitive dependencies differ between maven-built war and gradle-built war.
classmate-1.0.0.jar (in maven) and classmate-1.1.0.jar (in gradle)
commons-codec-1.10.jar (in maven) and commons-codec-1.11.jar (in gradle)
commons-io-2.1.jar (in maven) and commons-io-2.2.jar (in gradle)
and so on for
commons-lang3, hibernate-validator, httpcore, httpclient, jackson**


For transitive dependencies, Maven has a questionable strategy to decide which version of a transitive dependency to use. Maven uses a “nearest definition wins” strategy. So the definition in the pom.xml which is “nearest” to your pom.xml will win. In my opinion this is a terrible strategy, Gradle does not attempt to replicate this wierd behavior.

Instead, Gradle has a proper resolution implementation where build authors can force versions, apply rules etc. By default, Gradle will pick the largest requested version if two (or more) versions of a dependency are specified in the dependency tree which is likely causing the differences