Jacoco remote jacocoagent in a Spring Boot not generate report


I’m launching a spring boot application using the jacocoagent.jar with these JVM arguments:


In the build.gradle file I have the next config for jacoco plugin:

jacoco {
    toolVersion = "0.8.5"

test {
    jacoco {
        enabled = true

e2eTest {
    jacoco {
        enabled = true
        address = "localhost"
        port = 6300

e2eTest.finalizedBy jacocoTestReport

When I launch test task for local unit tests coverage report, the test.exec is created in the build/jacoco directory with the html and xml report in the reports/jacoco directory.

But when I launch the e2eTest task through the remote agent the e2eTest.exec file is created in the build/jacoco directory, but not the html or xml report, in any directory.

Any of you know if I need other configuration or if I started the app with the corrects JMV arguments of the jacocoagent.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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