I created a custom standalone plugin project that uses external dependencies to do its work. Some of those dependencies are the Java AWS Sdk cloudformation client and depedency injection with Guice.
I can build my plugin without errors, and my test work well, but when I try to use my plugin in another project. I get this error:
* What went wrong:
Could not create task ':my-project:createResources'.
> Could not create task of type 'CreateResources'.
> Could not generate a decorated class for type CreateResources.
> com/google/inject/Injector
“createResources” is the task on my plugin.
I’m thinking that maybe is related to the build of my plugin, because I don’t think the generated jar contains the dependencies inside. I tried to use the “shadowJar” plugin to create a Fat Jar, but it did not worked.
Any feedback will be appreciated. Thanks
Here is the build.gradle from my external project that is trying to use my plugin
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath files([
apply plugin: "org.me.plugin.myplugin"