My goal is to use gradle to download a source tarball and its dependencies, run a shell script to build the source and publish the resulting binary tarball. I got this far:
apply plugin: 'maven'
version 'testarch-4.2'
repositories {
maven {
url "http://nexus/..."
configurations {
dependencies {
sourceArchive "org.gnu:bash:4.2:src@tgz"
task buildFromSource(type: Exec) {
inputs.files configurations.sourceArchive.files
outputs.file file("${}-${project.version}.tgz")
executable './'
def myArgs = configurations.sourceArchive.files.path
myArgs.add(0, outputs.files.asPath)
args myArgs
artifacts {
def outputFile = buildFromSource.outputs.files.singleFile
println outputFile.path
binaryArchive file: outputFile, name: 'bash'
uploadArchives {
configuration = configurations.binaryArchive
repositories.mavenDeployer {
repository(url: "http://nexus/..") {
authentication(userName: "me", password: "secret!")
pom.groupId = 'org.gnu'
uploadArchives.dependsOn buildFromSource
The upload portion is failing with “400, missing entity” error from the Nexus server.
- am I doing this the right way * any ideas on what I’m doing wrong?
Ultimately, I’d like to have a “build policy” for this situation.