Is there a way to get JUnit test action to re-try failed tests once?
I was thinking of something along the lines of creating a JUnit TestRule .
Here is an example of a Retry TestRule :
public class RetryTest {
public class Retry implements TestRule {
private int retryCount;
public Retry(int retryCount) {
this.retryCount = retryCount;
public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) {
return statement(base, description);
private Statement statement(final Statement base, final Description description) {
return new Statement() {
public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
Throwable caughtThrowable = null;
// implement retry logic here
for (int i = 0; i < retryCount; i++) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
caughtThrowable = t;
System.err.println(description.getDisplayName() + ": run " + (i+1) + " failed");
System.err.println(description.getDisplayName() + ": giving up after " + retryCount + " failures");
throw caughtThrowable;
public Retry retry = new Retry(3);
public void test1() {
public void test2() {
Object o = null;
This question has similarities to this question, but is not the same question: