I’m a newbie in gradle. I noticed some behaviour with gradle which i wanted to clarify.
- In the this code, the javac options i add appear with double quotes in the front and back of the option in the compiler-options text file. Hence javac fails with a invalid flag message.
project(’:com.test’) {
def dJar = project(’:com.best’).jar.outputs.files.getFiles()
def addReads = "–add-reads com.test=ALL-UNNAMED"
def modulePath = "–module-path " + dJar.getAt(0)
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.fork = true
options.forkOptions.executable = '/home/sabari/java_builds/java9/bin/javac'
options.compilerArgs << addReads
options.compilerArgs << modulePath
dependencies {
compile project(':com.best')
Output of java-compiler-args.txt: (truncated)
"–add-reads com.test=ALL-UNNAMED"
"–module-path /home/sabari/sample-codes/java9/com.best/build/libs/com.best.jar"
Output of build:
javac: invalid flag: --add-reads com.test=ALL-UNNAMED
Usage: javac
whereas when i add like this (below code), it works. Is my earlier way of using incorrect?
project(’:com.test’) {
def dJar = project(’:com.best’).jar.outputs.files.getFiles()
def addReads = "com.test=ALL-UNNAMED"
def modulePath = dJar.getAt(0)
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.fork = true
options.forkOptions.executable = '/home/sabari/java_builds/java9/bin/javac'
options.compilerArgs << '--add-reads'
options.compilerArgs << addReads
options.compilerArgs << '--module-path'
options.compilerArgs << modulePath
dependencies {
compile project(':com.best')
- While debugging the problem #1, i was trying to add “-help” javac option to check if it’s working. It worked only when i fork a process for javac.
This code worked:
project(’:com.test’) {
def dJar = project(’:com.best’).jar.outputs.files.getFiles()
def addReads = "com.test=ALL-UNNAMED"
def modulePath = dJar.getAt(0)
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.fork = true
options.forkOptions.executable = '/home/sabari/java_builds/java9/bin/javac'
options.compilerArgs << '--add-reads'
options.compilerArgs << addReads
options.compilerArgs << '--module-path'
options.compilerArgs << modulePath
options.compilerArgs << '-help'
dependencies {
compile project(':com.best')
This code failed to work: // Here, as i understand, it uses Java Compiler API from javax.tools package to compile the code.
project(’:com.test’) {
def dJar = project(’:com.best’).jar.outputs.files.getFiles()
def addReads = "com.test=ALL-UNNAMED"
def modulePath = dJar.getAt(0)
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
// options.fork = true
// options.forkOptions.executable = '/home/sabari/java_builds/java9/bin/javac'
options.compilerArgs << '--add-reads'
options.compilerArgs << addReads
options.compilerArgs << '--module-path'
options.compilerArgs << modulePath
options.compilerArgs << '-help'
dependencies {
compile project(':com.best')
Output: invalid flag: -help
Again, is there anything wrong in the usage?