Integration test suite execution with subproject servers

I have a project with two subprojects, server1, server2 and a integration-test. I have a “run” task for each of these projects. Is there a way by which I can execute the run task for server1, server2 and then integration-tests?

Why do you want to run the tasks in this order? Do they depend on each other? If yes, you should use one or more ‘task.dependsOn(otherTask)’. Otherwise, you can use ‘task.mustRunAfter(otherTask)’.

Server1 and Server2 don’t depend on each other but integration-tests project is just a collection of integration tests for the whole system. Hence, before I start executing integration tests, I want to have both server1 and server2 up and running.

I guess i just don’t know how to start the server1 and server2 in their own process.

Hence, before I start executing integration tests, I want to have both server1 and server2 up and running.

That would be ‘run.dependsOn(“:server1:run”, “:server2:run”)’ then.

I guess i just don’t know how to start the server1 and server2 in their own process.

That’s up to their ‘run’ tasks.