Iniciante na Programação

Bom dia!

Estou iniciando na programação recentemente, estou começando a criar um aplicativo de calculadora no Android Studio e na hora de rodar para testes apresenta erro e não estou conseguindo corrigir. Segue abaixo:

RROR:C:\Users\Hailton Rodrigues\AndroidStudioProjects\MyApplication\app\src\main\res\layout\activity_main.xml:11: AAPT: error: resource dimen/activity_horizontal_margin (aka com.example.myapplication:dimen/activity_horizontal_margin) not found.

Welcome to the forum.
The language of this forum is English, so please do not post in Portuguese or most users will not be able to read the message.
But actually as far as I understood so far, you do not have a Gradle problem, but some problem with Android development, so you should probably ask in some Android community instead.