Inherited properties in multi-level multi-project builds

The documentation says:

Properties and methods declared in a project are inherited to all its subprojects. — 24.12

I’ve created a minimal repro of this not being true: (2.0 KB)

Can someone please shed some light on what I’m doing wrong or is it really a bug in Gradle?

Project structure

:sub:p2 files

PROP_1=defined in root, not overridden anywhere
PROP_2=defined in root, overridden in :sub
PROP_3=defined in root, overridden in :sub and :sub:p*
PROP_4=defined in :sub, not overridden anywhere
PROP_5=defined in :sub, overridden in :sub:p*


of executing gradle props (some lines omitted for brevity):


In root project 'gradle-sub-inherit-props' (normal):
        PROP_1=value from root
        PROP_2=value from root
        PROP_3=value from root
In project ':sub' (normal):
        PROP_1=value from root
        PROP_2=value from sub
        PROP_3=value from sub
        PROP_4=value from sub
        PROP_5=value from sub
In project ':sub:p1' (normal):
        PROP_1=value from root
        PROP_2=value from root
        PROP_3=value from p1
        PROP_4=value from sub
        PROP_5=value from p1


In root project 'gradle-sub-inherit-props' (normal):
        PROP_1=value from root
        PROP_2=value from root
        PROP_3=value from root
In project ':sub' (normal):
        PROP_1=value from root
        PROP_2=value from sub
        PROP_3=value from sub
        PROP_4=value from sub
        PROP_5=value from sub
In project ':sub:p1' (normal):
        PROP_1=value from root
        PROP_2=value from sub <------ difference
        PROP_3=value from p1
        PROP_4=value from sub
        PROP_5=value from p1

I would expect the files to be inherited an overridden in a natural way.
Why does it get the value from root project, skipping :sub instead of inheriting the override from :sub?
I found this in 2.6 and got the same behavior when tested on 2.10.

Thanks for the reproducible example.

I raised GRADLE-3380

I think the intended behavior is for the overrides to propagate, but we’re missing test coverage for this (or I couldn’t find it).