Include not working for gradle

HI >>> i am trying to copy the xml and properties file using a gradle …But it is not working . I tried all these ways . But none helps in copying the files .Facing this issue only in UNIX. if I run in windows it is working fine. All the folders and files are in place

  1. copy{
    from "$home/config/config-test/et"
    into "$home/build/assemble/jdk$jdkVersion/config/work"
    include "abc.xml"
    duplicatesStrategy “include”

2 . task copyDocs(type: Copy) {
from "$home/config/config-test/et"
into "$home/build/assemble/jdk$jdkVersion/config/work"
include "abc.xml"
include “*.properties”

3 . copySpec{
from "$home/config/config-test/et"
into “$home/build/assemble/jdk$jdkVersion/config/work"
include “abc.xml"
duplicatesStrategy “include”
4. task copyDocs(type: Copy) {
from(”$home/config/config-test/et”) {
include ‘/*.properties’
include '
into “$home/build/assemble/jdk$jdkVersion/config/work”